Noah Pederson

Noah is an experienced, top performing technologist who has spent the last several years deeply integrated in R&D as an individual contributor and technical lead manager in deep tech and telecom.


Tech. Lead/Software Engineer, ColdQuanta/Infleqtion Nov 2019 – current

Infleqtion (formerly ColdQuanta) is an industry leading quantum atomics company.

Quantum Computing

I spent about three years working on the compute project at Infleqtion, now called Sqorpius. Initially, my role focused on developing a hard real-time control system and programming interface for expert physicists. My experience in Linux and Kubernetes administration quickly led me to taking on the responsibility of administrating the servers, networking and orchestration systems that were in use at the time. As the performance and data produced by the system made it impractical (if not impossible) to operate in a cloud environment, we managed everything ourselves. Eventually, these responsibilities were handed off to an entire team of devops engineers. During this time, I consulted on several internal committees for developing the companies road map to compliance with various government security programs, including CMMC.

Eventually I became team lead, along with a partner (together we were co-leads) of the quantum control systems team. As part of this role, I was responsible for hiring, some project management, delegation, triage, writing/debugging/reviewing code and a suite of other responsibilities such that I ran out of space on my head for more hats. I got a feel for deeply embedded real-time systems, control theory, and managing extreme amounts of complexity as part of my time on this project.

As part of this project, I co-lead the software/control system initiative of “non-destructive state-selective readout” as described in this paper, along with a physicist. I consider this to be one of the single most successful individual initiatives I’ve undertaken.

Tiqker - Quantum Atomic Frequency Reference

My team is responsible for the entire life-cycle of the control system portion of the Tiqker project. Primarily utilizing Rust to develop user-space command and control, orchestration, and servo (PID) capabilities that drive nearly every component in the Tiqker system. We deliver performant, reliable, and user-friendly interfaces for Infleqtion technicians to operate, diagnose, assemble, and validate the operation and performance of Tiqker units throughout the entire life-cycle of the project. We work closely with a team of expert physicists, electrical engineers, test engineers, and many others to deliver the next generation of time keeping. My team and myself have a track record of delivering high quality software on tight deadlines with limited hardware access.

The headliner for this project (from my perspective) is the message broker and event bus called Sundial. Sundial is implemented in Rust utilizing ZeroMQ as the transport layer for Linux systems and serves as the centerpiece for the distributed command and control system that runs Tiqker. It utilizes a novel

Quantum Radio Frequency

As the sole software engineer currently supporting the QRF projects at Infleqtion, I am responsible for juggling priorities between Tiqker (see above) to support the goals and deliverables defined by the QRF team. I work closely with the team of physicists and electrical engineers to provide high quality, performant, command and control, PID servos, and diagnostic tools for expert technicians to operate and diagnose QRF systems.

Sr. Software Engineer, TDS Telecom Aug. 2016 – Nov. 2019

Regional Internet Service Provider and Telecom.

At TDS I was primarily an individual contributor, building automation for managing network infrastructure and stitching together vendor APIs. Django was the framework of choice for creating internal apps utilizing Bootstrap and RabbitMQ with Celery for job processing, though Java was used for some applications depending on requirements. I was responsible for maintaining internal plugins for single-sign-on via SPNEGO using Kerberos and LDAP. Most of my tenure here overlapped with my full-time schooling at Herzing.


Herzing University, BSc. Software Development 2015 – 2018